The past few decades have seen incredible shifts in recommendations regarding the benefits, and potential risks, of different stretching protocols...
There’s a reason that if you watch the Olympic Games closely, you’ll notice that some teams aren’t just swigging water...
Now more than ever, young athletes are feeling pressure: Pressure to perform in sport, to have a certain image on...
Whether in high school or in college, your athletes are probably not getting enough sleep to maximize their potential at...
Being a perfectionist might sound like a positive trait, but for a young athlete, it can be deadly. Athletes who...
As an athletic trainer (AT), you play a unique role in a young athlete’s life. You typically have significant insight...
From a young age, it’s important that your athlete understands that not all kids are going to look the same...
Talking about nutrition, especially to young athletes, can feel difficult. Your word choice can make a big difference and even...
Unfortunately, the world of sport is not without risk: Even the most highly monitored athletes can fall victim to illness...