The TrueSport Athlete Ambassador team is a combination of Olympic, Paralympic, Team USA, and professional athletes who live and practice the values of TrueSport. These incredible role models inspire the next generation of young athletes by sharing their personal journeys in sport through the lens of the TrueSport values. Each Ambassador encourages young athletes to practice good sportsmanship, engage in clean & healthy performance, and develop life skills & character through sport.
Interested in being a member of the TrueSport Athlete Ambassador team? Click here.
Athlete Ambassadors
Click each Ambassador’s image below to learn more about each of them.

Aaron Scheidies
Team USA Paralympian
Para Triathlon

Abby Raymond
USA National Team Member

Chris Mazdzer
Team USA Olympian

Joe Delagrave
Team USA Paralympian
Wheelchair Rugby

Josh Hartman
USA National Team Member
Cycling – Track

Mandy Marquardt
USA National Team Member
Cycling – Track

Amobi Okugo
USA National Team Member

Morgan Shigo
Penn State Athletics
Track & Field - Hammer Throw

Steve Emt
Wheelchair Curling
Hall of Fame
TrueSport would like to thank our past Ambassadors for dedicating their time, stories, and passion to the TrueSport program. The TrueSport cornerstones of Sportsmanship, Character Building & Life Skills, and Clean & Healthy Performance are rooted by the direct impact and influence they’ve had on the TrueSport mission.

Amara Mbionwu

Amobi Okugo

Amro El Geziry
Modern Pentathlon

April Holmes
Para Track & Field

Augusto Perez
Wheelchair Curling, Para Canoe & Kayak, Para Nordic Biathlon

Brad Snyder
Para Swimming

Candace Vering
Indoor Volleyball

Chellsie Memmel

Cody Miller

DeeDee Trotter
Track & Field

Derek Arneaud
Para Soccer

Elizabeth Beisel

Erin Hamlin

Erin Mirabella
Cycling - Track

Gabe Gardner
Indoor Volleyball

Isabella Isaksen
Modern Pentathlon

Janet Evans

Jeremiah Bishop
Cycling - Cross Country

Jessica Long
Para Swimming

Jimmy Moody

John Godina
Track & Field - Shot put

Jordan Wilimovsky

Kara Winger
Track & Field - Javelin

Kelly Lindsay

Kicker Vencill

Kristin Armstrong

Lauryn Williams
Track & Field, Bobsled

Melanie Margalis

Morgan Shigo
Track & Field - Hammer Throw

Nick Taylor
Wheelchair Tennis

Ogonna Nnamani
Indoor Volleyball

Peter Vanderkaay

Richard Torrez Jr.

Sarah Konrad

Steve Emt
Wheelchair Curling

Tyler Carter
Para Alpine Ski

Veronica Day
Athlete Ambassador Interest Form
At TrueSport, we believe in the power and influence of the athlete voice. To help elevate this voice, we are seeking current and recently retired Team USA, professional, elite, and collegiate level athletes looking to make a positive impact on the next generation of young athletes. Through the TrueSport Athlete Ambassador program, interested individuals will have the opportunity to share their personal experiences in sport through the lens of the TrueSport values and role model what it means to be a TrueSport Champion.