We live in a goal-obsessed society. From school curriculums to corporate mission statements to the latest gaming apps, goals are...
Many adults associate New Year's resolutions with abandoned aspirations instead of positive changes. For those who struggle to stick with...
At the dinner table each night I ask my children questions about their day to reflect on their successes and...
While it makes intuitive sense that effective goals for fourth graders differ from those made by juniors in high school,...
Some of the worst things parents hear and see at youth sports competitions come from other spectators in the stands...
Kids love to emulate their favorite professional athletes, from learning their signature moves to wearing their jerseys. Unfortunately, that can...
Most people recognize being an umpire, official, or referee is a difficult (and often thankless) job. Yet ironically, many youth...
TrueSport athletes should respect people other than just themselves (though that's important too). There's actually six types of people that...
Perhaps no one knows better what kind of respectful behavior makes a TrueSport Champion than 2017 World Champion in steeplechase,...